Which gemstone should I wear according to my date of Birth – Choosing Your Birthstone for Luck and Prosperity

For centuries, birthstones have been thought to bring good fortune and possess magical powers. Wearing the stone associated with your date of birth was believed to protect and bless an individual. While these mystical origins have faded, birthstones remain popular adornments that carry personal meaning. If you want to find the perfect gemstone to complement your astrological sign and anniversary, read on to learn how to determine your birthstone based on your birthday.

Which gemstone should i wear according to my date of Birth
Which gemstone should I wear according to my date of Birth

What are Birthstones?

Birthstones are specific gemstones associated with each month. Wearing or owning your corresponding birthstone is considered lucky since these stones symbolize your inner qualities and strengths.

The tradition of birthstones arose from Hebrew, Hindu and Arabic astrology linking certain gems to zodiac signs, planets and months. In 1912, the American National Association of Jewelers formalized the modern birthstone list we use today.

Birthstones represent your birth month’s qualities and are thought to resonate at an energetic level that rejuvenates you. They make meaningful gifts for birthdays, anniversaries, and coming-of-age ceremonies.

Which gemstone should I wear according to my date of Birth

How to Find Your Birthstone by Month

Which gemstone should I wear according to my date of birth if I’m born in January?

January – Garnet
The deep red garnet represents peace, health and prosperity. Garnets glow with a fiery brilliance said to ignite passion in the wearer.

Which gemstone should I wear according to my date of birth if I’m born in February?

February – Amethyst
Amethyst’s regal violet has long symbolized royalty, nobility, and peace. This gem promotes clarity of thought and protection.

Which gemstone should I wear according to my date of birth if I’m born in March?

March – Aquamarine
The serene sky-blue aquamarine embodies courage, calmness, and clear communication. It provides relief from anxiety.

Which gemstone should I wear according to my date of birth if I’m born in April?

April – Diamond
Diamonds clarity and brilliance represent eternal love. This stone enhances relationships, balance and abundance.

Which gemstone should I wear according to my date of birth if I’m born in May?

May – Emerald
Lush green emeralds symbolize growth, fertility and the beauty of Spring. It helps translate thoughts into eloquent speech.

Which gemstone should I wear according to my date of birth if I’m born in June?

June – Pearl
Luminous white pearls represent purity and femininity. They promote faith, charity and personal integrity.

Which gemstone should I wear according to my date of birth if I’m born in July?

July – Ruby
Ruby’s deep crimson evokes passion, vitality, and confidence. It brings focus and determinism to pursue goals.

Which gemstone should I wear according to my date of birth if I’m born in August?

August – Peridot
Peridot’s olive glow embodies strength, power and influence. It amplifies fame and reputation.

Which gemstone should I wear according to my date of birth if I’m born in September?

September – Sapphire
Sapphire’s royal blue signifies wisdom, prophecy and spirituality. It facilitates self-actualization.

Which gemstone should I wear according to my date of birth if I’m born in October?

October – Opal
Opal’s fiery play of color represents hope, innocence and purity of heart. It enhances emotions and intimacy.

Which gemstone should I wear according to my date of birth if I’m born in November?

November – Topaz
Golden yellow topaz symbolizes friendship and joy. It promotes individuality and creativity.

Which gemstone should I wear according to my date of birth if I’m born in December? 

December – Tanzanite

Tanzanite’s exotic violet-blue represents rarity and vibrancy. It invokes transformation and reinvention.


Birthstone Color Symbolism

Red – Passion, Vibrancy, Motivation
Blues – Wisdom, Psychic Ability, Calm
Purple – Mysticism, Spirituality, Nobility
Green – Growth, Healing, Harmony
White – Purity, Clarity, New Beginnings
Yellow/Orange – Joy, Intellect, Creativity

Certified Government Approved Gemstones

Choosing Birthstone Jewelry

Birthstone jewelry is available in many styles including rings, pendants, earrings and bracelets. Pick a contemporary or vintage design that appeals to personal taste.

Opt for a finely crafted birthstone piece that will last generations, preferring precious metals and quality gemstone cuts.

Let the symbolic properties and color of your birthstone guide you. Select a hue and style that awakens attributes you hope to cultivate.

Birthstone jewelry spans a wide range of pricing and budgets. More valuable options like sapphires and rubies will be pricier.

Many jewelers can customize pieces with added stones, engraving and innovative settings like halo designs to create one-of-a-kind birthstone keepsakes.

Birthstones as Gifts

Milestone anniversaries are associated with specific stones. First anniversaries are linked to gold, 25th to silver, and 75th to diamonds.

Birthstones make great novel gifts for spouses, children, grandchildren, and siblings based on their birth month.

Adorning grads with their birthstone makes a meaningful present representing their bright future ahead.

Birthstone charm bracelets allow the collection of memorable gems to mark special events across one’s lifetime.

Flower Jewelry
Birth flowers like the daffodil for March or lily for June can be incorporated with birthstones into floral jewelry designs.


Birthstones make the perfect personalized keepsake to honor a cherished person or occasion. Let your birthday month or anniversary guide you to the ideal stone. Select a fine quality piece in your signature hue to inspire spiritual qualities and celebrate your connection with its symbolic properties. Birthstones gifting others is a heartfelt way to wish good luck, prosperity and joy.

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