How To Clean Gold Jewelry?

Wondering! How to clean gold jewelry? Cleaning jewelry should be an easy process if you know how to do it right. This is how every other kind of jewelry is cleaned. But have you ever wondered how jewelry is cleaned when you don’t have any fancy gadgets or cleaning products available at your disposal? Let’s take a look at how to clean gold jewelry the right way.

steps to clean your gold jewelry
How To Clean Gold Jewelry?

You can safely clean your gold jewelry in the comfort of your own home by following these basic steps:

You can clean your pieces in hot water with a mild, pH-balanced cleaner (such as Pril cleaner). Be careful to rinse your pieces well. This is important to ensure no soap residue is left behind.

Rinse and dry your pieces

Once you have done the first step, your next order of business will be to rinse off the cleaner. Remember, you are dealing with precious metals here, so be careful. You may want to consider using a white cloth or a soft towel to blot off excess dirt. Allow the jewelry piece to air dry after cleaning.

Using a bowl or spray bottle

Use warm water and mild soap to wash your gold jewelry. Rinse until the soap has completely dissolved into the bowl. Pat your pieces dry with another clean towel. Dry with another clean towel but do not lay them flat to air dry.

Use a Grout Cleaner

If there is a lot of dirt on your jewelry, or if the piece contains heavily tarnished areas, use a grout cleaner. Never dip jewelry into a grout cleaner – always wipe it clean with warm water and a soft cloth. Apply grout cleaner directly to the areas of the jewelry that have discoloration or have become dirty.


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Use a brush or cloth gently

If the pieces have a lot of visible dirt or rust, use a brush or cloth gently to scrub the dirt off. Do not use coarse bristled grout brushes – this will scratch the surface of your jewelry. After you have rubbed or brushed the dirt away, allow it to air dry.


Never store ammonia in your jewelry box

Remember- Never store ammonia in your jewelry box: After cleaning, be sure to thoroughly rinse the jeweler’s bowl and the soap from the fabric. You can also use a small amount of ammonia to disinfect your jewelry before you store it. However, be sure to remove all ammonia from the fabric before you store it in your jewelry box.


Know-How To Clean Gold Jewelry Using Air-dry Clothes

First, heat a small quantity of water to just below room temperature. Remove your jewelry from its box or pouch and place it in a bowl dipped in some water. Gently rub the jewelry using an old toothbrush or cotton buds. Rinse it off thoroughly and then store it in an air-tight container. Repeat these steps until your piece appears as good as new.


Special Gemstone Cleaning

For special gemstones, such as diamonds and emeralds, use the proper cleaning methods for their particular sizes and shapes. For larger pieces, use a soft-brisled brush and some gentle pressure. If you’re unsure about how to clean gold jewelry using this method, contact your jeweler. They will be glad to help.
A more abrasive method of cleaning your jewels involves a cloth that contains ammonia. Mix with one tablespoon of ammonia to one quart of hot water. Use a soft bristle brush for agitating the solution through the clothes. You can rinse this cloth out by soaking it in warm water.

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